Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Reflecting on being a mom

So yes, I've only been a mom the past three and a half years.  But it seriously has been the best past three and a half years of my life.  Include the ten months of pregnancy.  It has been an emotional roller coaster, a joy filled experience, fun, boring and most of all, the most rewarding experience ever.

I have a few minutes to type, because Richie is currently absorbed in watching "Megamind".  I have yet to see that movie from start to finish, because recently I have been watching "adult tv" [without the nudity and obnoxious noises.]

Back when I was a kid I thought my mom was the meanest, worst person ever.  In my teen years you could definitely say there was a possible hatred going on.  I made her life a living hell and never thought twice about it.  It wasn't even teenage angst.  I couldn't tell you what the hell my problem was, especially towards this woman who devoted her life to my upbringing, care and entertaining my every whim.  I suppose there is truth in thinking that when you're a teenager you're "all knowing".  There's only one truth that I know.  For me, I wouldn't be anywhere if it weren't for my mom.  No matter the hurt and bullshit I put her through, she has always been there for me.  Why did it take me almost thirty years?  Because I'm a mom myself.  I'm hoping that Richie never puts me through what I put my mom through, in a way though, I would deserve it.

The things my mom has taught me. [Or some of them.]
To be who I am, rather than be someone else

Fundamentals that all moms should teach their children.  Things that I will teach my child, and pray that he follows and lives by these values and morals.

So far in raising my Smoochy Poo, I honestly don't think we've done too bad.  Perhaps I lucked out because he's such an awesome, well rounded little guy.

I'm not really sure where it is that I'm going with this blog, except that the fact I feel guilty and remorseful for the shitty way I was fifteen years ago.  I suppose it's because my mom has helped me out so much the past few years with Richie, and lately because I'm not suppose to be on my foot [Oops.].  I have this overwhelming sense of gratitude and appreciation that [almost] everyone should feel for their [deserving] moms, and I don't think that they get the admiration they deserve.

Thanks mom.  For everything.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing great. Richie IS awesome!! We have to get the kids together soon!
